Employability: What the University Students Known about it?

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Fabián Javier Marín Rueda
Luciana Julio Martins
Keli Cristina Lara Campos


Employability can be understood as the actions taken by people to develop the ability to search for useful knowledge, aiming at obtaining a position at the formal or informal work market. In this sense this work has investigated what university students know about the concept of employability and what measures the have taken to acquire it. The subjects of our research were 254 university students in the last year of the courses of Psychology, Business Administration and Civil Engineering of a private university in the state of São Paulo. A questionnaire was devised containing two questions: a multiple-choice question and an open question. The results show that students from the three courses have some knowledge about the concept. Although students from different courses presented some particularities related to employability. They have shown to adopt similar actions to achieve it.


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