Free Spaces System for Intercultural Dialogues

Collaborative Design Process and Valuing of the Kaingang People


  • Fernanda M. Dill Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Vanessa G. Dorneles Federal University of Santa Maria



Kaingang people; Free space system; Culture; City history; Participatory project.


The Kaingang indigenous population inhabits the space that comprises the center in the municipality of Chapecó-SC, since before the formal configuration of the city. However, due to the urbanization process, such a community had its historical trajectory and its relationship with the city made impossible by actions originating mainly from the government. In order to contribute to the transformation of this context, a project for a system of open spaces for intercultural dialogues was elaborated, in a collaborative way with the indigenous community, which proposes to tell the history of the city from the perspective of its traditional people through interventions at different scales. This article intends to explore the possibilities of historical and cultural valorization through urban interventions, as well as to present the design strategies adopted with the objective of valuing the memory of indigenous elders in the design process, revealing its educational and social character. For that, the Kaingang People and their relationship with the historical construction of the city, the collaborative strategies used in the design process, the spatial results obtained and their relationship with the appreciation and visibility of the Kaingang culture are presented.


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How to Cite

DILL, F. M.; DORNELES, V. G. Free Spaces System for Intercultural Dialogues: Collaborative Design Process and Valuing of the Kaingang People. Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 1, p. 88–106, 2021. DOI: 10.5935/cadernospos.v20n1p88-106. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.


