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Social engagement as principle for creating a Waterway Sub-Basis Committee Project and Institutional Integration of Water Planning

practices of the water-sensitive community of Serrinha do Paranoá (DF)




Engagement, Planning, Community, Sensible, Water


This work proposes ways to strengthen relations between the socially engaged community and water planning institutions. In this sense, it is understood that social participation is not fully inserted in territorial and water planning and these, in turn, maintain this departmentalized structure, facilitating the implementation of urban and rural planning models that are not committed to social and environmental realities. Based on the water-sensitive planning model and the principle of water-sensitive communities, we infer the need to form a socio-political capital within a participatory and institutionally integrated planning structure with actors connected to the territory with decision-making power. Based on the concept of territorial praxis in which social engagement is understood as a transforming expression of territoriality, we recognize the communities in the rural areas of Serrinha do Paranoá as a socio-political body engaged in the defense of waters through the analytical description of their history of social engagement in 4 stages. This study showed that this community demonstrated commitment by assuming the functions of a hydrographic subbasin committee for its performance based on socio-environmental and political claims.


Author Biographies

Liza Maria Souza de Andrade, UnB

Graduated in Architecture from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1989), master's (2005) and doctorate (2014) in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasília. She is a professor at FAU/UnB, was Extension coordinator from 2018 to 2020 and member of the UnB Extension Chamber from 2016 to 2020. of the FAU/UnB Sustainable Environmental Rehabilitation Specialization Course. In the field of academic research, she is leader of the Research and Extension Group "Periférico, Emergent Works" (PEAC Periférico) whose goal is to work on Solidarity Technoscience in socio-technical advisory processes. She is part of the Center for Science, Technology and Society Policy-NPCTS / CEAM / UnB in the construction of the Multiprofessional Residence CTS-Habitat, Agroecology, Work and Health. She is also deputy leader of the Research Group "Water and the Built Environment" with the Research Project "Brasília Sensível à Água". She develops research on ?The production of habitat in the territory of the DF and surroundings, urban and rural ecosystems and sociotechnical assistance: typologies and spatial patterns, informality, solidarity networks, social technology, agroecology and healthy places sensitive to water?. It is linked to LabHabitar at UFBA with the Nucleation of the Residency in Architecture and Urbanism + Engineering at UFBA in partnership with UnB to contribute to the Implementation of the Technical Assistance Network: Projects in Housing and Right to the City. She is part of the Sociotechnical Network of the Brasil Cidades Project as a member of the Operational Coordination of the DF Metropolitano Center and also the Moradia-Assessoria Network in Brazil (USP). With the PEAC Periférico, it guides Extensionist Final Graduation Works in the form of sociotechnical advice with some awarded works on the following themes: projects for socio-productive spaces in the countryside, social housing projects in the countryside and in the city, spatial planning for traditional communities, neighborhood plans and urban projects for land regularization of urban occupations, projects for community facilities, public spaces and urban parks. She was advisor/coordinator of the Model Office in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU/UnB - EMAU/CASAS (UnB ASAS and PATUA Continuous Action Extension Projects) from 2013 to 2021, where she guided projects of community centers, social housing in the countryside and agrarian urbanism for the agrarian reform settlement Ecoagrovila Renascer, linked to PROEXT 2015 MEC/SEsu.

Natália da Silva Lemos, UnB

Doctoral student in the Graduate Program at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasília (PPG/FAU/UnB), research on the urban-rural continuum, rural and urban design, territory and landscape, through the Urban Planning and Project Research Line and Regional. Master in Architecture, Technology and City from Unicamp (2016). Specialization in Architectural and Urbanistic Sustainable Environmental Rehabilitation from the University of Brasília (2012). He holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Centro Universitário Euroamericano (2010). Researcher-collaborator in the development of work and research in two Research Groups: Water and Built Environment; and Periférico, emerging works, both linked to the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at UnB. Researcher in the PUBLIC NOTICE 03/2018 FAP- DF- SPONTANEOUS DEMAND - Brasília Sensível à Água/Serrinha do Paranoá.


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How to Cite

SAKAI, D. I. S. .; MARIA SOUZA DE ANDRADE, L.; DA SILVA LEMOS, N. Social engagement as principle for creating a Waterway Sub-Basis Committee Project and Institutional Integration of Water Planning: practices of the water-sensitive community of Serrinha do Paranoá (DF). Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 262–277, 2023. DOI: 10.5935/cadernospos.v.23n.2p262-277. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.


