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Size of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs)

considerations on the Itaquarinchim River


  • Karine Perius Chartanovicz Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Luis Guilherme Aita Pippi Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Rivers, Permanent Preservation Areas, APPs, Buffer


Throughout history, areas adjacent to rivers have been occupied, exterior spaces of great ecological and landscape value in places with environmental and social problems. In this context, Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) are an important tool that seeks to protect water resources. The legislation defines which APPs ranges (buffers) are suitable according to the width of the water resource, but there are discussions about whether these dimensions would be adequate. Taking the Itaquarinchim river in the municipality of Santo Ângelo-RS as a case study, we seek to understand its relationship with the surrounding landscape, both in rural and urban contexts. How to cut this survey was considered a buffer of 500 meters for each side of the riverbed. From the spatialization of the study area in geoprocessing, it will be analyzed how the use and occupation of the soil and the relationship of the river with its surroundings took place. Also, if the river has an APP in accordance with the legislation in force (30m) along its route and its condition. Finally, if it has the potential to expand this APP range from 30m to a greater width and if it could support multifunctional activities in this context.


Author Biographies

Karine Perius Chartanovicz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai and Missões, Santo Ângelo campus (2014-2018). Currently, Master's student in Architecture, Urbanism and Landscaping at the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGAUP-UFSM) in the line of research in Technologies and Sustainability of the Built Environment. His research is entitled "Multifunctionalities and dynamics of the landscape: Valuations and experiences with the Itaquarinchim River".

Luis Guilherme Aita Pippi, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He is currently an Effective Assistant Professor in the Architecture and Urbanism Course at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Coordinator of the Santa Maria Nucleus of the National Research Group on Landscaping QUAPÁ-SEL. Do you have a PhD in Philosophy? College of Design - Landscape Architecture, NCSU, Raleigh, USA (CAPES/Fulbright - 2014) and specialization in Geographic Information Systems - Geospatial Information Science and Technology from the same institution (2012), worked temporarily as Research Assistant and Teacher Assistant at NCSU (2010-2013). Title recognized in Brazil as Doctor in Architecture and Urbanism (Landscape and Environment) by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP). He holds a master's degree in Architecture and Urbanism in the Line of Research in Urban and Landscape Design at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2004). Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UniRitter in Porto Alegre (2001). He has training as a teacher in Integrative Yoga (2022). Artist. Experience in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, Landscape Architecture, Landscaping, Landscape Ecology, Open Spaces System, Public Spaces, Green Infrastructure, Greenways (Greenways) and Multipurpose Track. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4714-4138


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How to Cite

PERIUS CHARTANOVICZ, K.; AITA PIPPI, L. G. Size of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs): considerations on the Itaquarinchim River. Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 162–180, 2023. DOI: 10.5935/cadernospos.v23n2p162-180. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.


