Water towers in Brazil

a manifesto for their preservation


  • Tiago de Oliveira Andrade School of Architecture and Urbanism - University of São Paulo
  • Francisco Spadoni School of Architecture and Urbanism - University of São Paulo




Water Tower; Infrastructure; Architectural Heritage; Inventory; Preservation.


A technological product of the industrial era, the water tower consolidated itself as a fundamental part of water supply systems, one of the material bases for the existence and operation of cities. Still, despite their undeniable importance, the study of water towers has been relegated to academia, creating a gap that needs to be bridged. Starting from a bibliographic review of the rare research conducted on the subject and bringing as a contribution to the discussion a bibliography on the investigation and preservation of the architectural legacy of industrialization, this article, in addition to being a manifesto in favor of the recognition of water towers as architecture, the urgency of conducting research on these infrastructures and the importance of inventories to catalog them, has as its main objective the establishment of preliminary guidelines for the preservation of water towers as architectural heritage. Water towers, aside from their function, technical and aesthetic qualities and historical importance, are, first and foremost, material testimonies of our civilization that must be preserved.


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How to Cite

DE OLIVEIRA ANDRADE, T.; SPADONI, F. Water towers in Brazil: a manifesto for their preservation. Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 1, p. 272–289, 2024. DOI: 10.5935/cadernospos.v24n1p272-289. Disponível em: http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgau/article/view/15908. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


