About the Journal

Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo is a journal of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, edited in Portuguese and English, created in 2001 and with biannual periodicity, with free and open access to contributions from the national and international scientific community.

Before submitting an article, it is recommended to read the Guidelines for Authors.


Qualis/CAPES: A3 - Quadrennium 2017-2020.

ISSN: 1809-4120 (Electronic)

ISSN-L: 1676-6679 (Printed)


Focus and Scope

The publication, which is based on the teaching, research, and extension trilogy in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, wants to publicize, register and disseminate contemporary studies and investigations, as well as promote the exchange of ideas and the proposition of issues.

The journal privileges the relationship of the Architectural and Urban Project and the infrastructures and artifacts of the city with the various disciplinary specificities and opens up to the intersection of other fields of knowledge with which it shares interests or disciplinary potentialities. The project reasoning also contemplates experimentation and the most indeterminate and speculative knowledge, which develops in reflection and practice.

The proposition of questions about the limits and expansion of knowledge in the Project, in its theoretical consistency and update of the debate, suggests, among others, the following themes: Heritage, Rationale and criticism of the Project; Virtual environment; Technology, Environment, and Sustainability; Urbanism, Architecture, City and Culture.

The standards for the selection of articles, as well as the definition of their editorial scope, follow the guidelines adopted by the main journals in the area, in addition to the recommendations of the Qualis seal of CAPES.


Areas of interest:

Architecture Project; City; Construction Technique, Design; Landscape.


Peer Review Process

The peer review process is designed to ensure that good research papers are published.


First Review

The Editors perform a first review of the manuscripts, distributing them among the reviewers.

The authors of the manuscripts that are eventually rejected in this first review are informed within two weeks after sending them.


Second peer review

This publication adopts the review process known as double-blind review, whereby both the author and the evaluators are not mutually identified.


Selection of evaluators

Reviewers' evaluators are assigned to the articles according to their experiences and areas of study.

The members of the Editorial Board are usually called upon to review articles, although numerous other researchers and authors are also called.



Evaluators should review the articles taking into account whether the article:

  • fits into the thematic lines and notice of the journal
  • is original
  • is methodologically consistent
  • follows appropriate ethical guidelines
  • clearly presents its results, and these support the conclusions
  • makes reference to relevant previous projects and in an academically correct manner.

The reviewers' evaluators do not edit the manuscripts.


The articles are classified among the following options:

Accept; Accept with revisions; Resubmit for review; Reject; See recommendations.


Editorial Decision

The final decision as to whether or not to accept the article is taken by the Editorial Board, taking into account the recommendations made by the reviewers. The recommendation is communicated to the authors by email via the OJS (Open Journal System) system, in which both the editorial decision and the additional recommendations and documents are attached.


Bilingual Publication

Since the Cadernos de Pós-Graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo adopts bilingual publication of its articles, Portuguese/English or Spanish/English translation will be required.

Recommended journal translators list:

Ana Carolina Silveira De Luca ana.carolina@otranslations.com.br  

Arlete Belluzzo alinea.assessoria@gmail.com 

Phone: +55 (16) 3621-5681/ (16) 99261-4184 

Katherine Nixon atendimento@ulatus.com


Martin Webster  martinwebster2@gmail.com 

Philip Gradon Reed philipgradonreed@gmail.com 

Phone: +55 (73) 99115 7990


Open Access Policy

Cadernos de Pós is an electronic publication of Public and Free Access. Quotes are encouraged, and we offer a number of reading tools to facilitate your reading experience.

All content, except where explicitly noted, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Ethics policy


The submission of an article to the journal indicates, automatically, that its author and possible co-authors are aware of the following:

a) The texts are original and have not been previously published in (printed or online) journals, in (printed or ebook) book chapters, or in any other electronic or printed means of dissemination.

b) The texts were not submitted at the same time to another journal.

c) All authors are responsible for the veracity and suitability of the texts they submit to the journal.

d) The Editorial Board is not responsible for images that are part of the articles. Authorization to publish images is the responsibility of the authors of the articles, who consider themselves fully responsible for the license to publish them.


Reviewers / Evaluators

The activity of the reviewer is understood as part of a continuous and collective process of knowledge construction that should lead to the improvement of the content and the way investigations are conducted. In order for this attempt to materialize in publications of articles of recognized excellence, nationally and internationally, the reviewers are required to pay attention to the guidelines listed below:

a) The evaluator should not accept the task of reviewing a manuscript if he/she does not feel professionally qualified in the respective topic.

b) The evaluator must inform the editor if the author's identity is known to him/her.

c) Evaluators must explicitly commit to the meeting or negotiate the change of schedule for the review process of the article proposed by the editor and comply with the agreed return date.

d) The evaluator should carefully read the editorial policy and instructions to the evaluators and follow them.

e) The evaluator must consider the existence of several paradigms and ensure that their review is exempt. The articles should be analyzed in terms of their relevance and internal and external consistency and not based on theoretical-methodological preferences.

f) The evaluator should point out the correctable problems and indicate what can be done to correct them. He/she shall assess the cost-benefit of the requested changes in relation to improving the quality of the article.

g) It is up to the evaluator to consider the references used, identifying whether they cover the relevant international and national literature on the subject of the article, either by inserting classics or the updated literature of the last five years. It should be suggested to the authors, when appropriate, references relevant to the reformulation of the article.

h) Whenever possible, the evaluator should point out all necessary changes and avoid that each new submission includes new requests that could have been made previously.

i) When receiving a new version of the article, pay attention to the fulfillment or justification for not making the requests for changes previously made.

j) All texts must be reviewed objectively and with exemption, without any type of discrimination.

k) If there is a need to discuss the texts with third parties, this initiative can only be taken with the authorization of the editors of the journal.

l) In case of identification of previously published text under the same or another authorship, the evaluators must alert the editors about the fact with the utmost urgency.



a) Commit to monitoring all stages of the review, ensuring judgments in an objective, exempt and non-discriminatory manner.

b) Authorize the discussion of texts under review with third parties if the action is indispensable for the issuance of the opinion.

c) Ensure the originality and integrity of the texts reviewed, taking immediate action in cases of submissions of texts already published by the author or by third parties.

Cases not provided for in this policy must be informed to the Academic Editor, who will make the appropriate referrals to the higher institutional instances (Editora Mackenzie and Dean of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie).


Digital Archiving and Preservation Policy

Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo has the Archiving Policy of its records in the PKP Preservation Network (PN) Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network / LOCKSS.


Creative Commons

All content of Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The journal adopts the CC-BY (Creative Commons– BY) license standard. The author is allowed to copy, distribute, display, transmit and adapt the article. The author must explicitly and clearly, attribute the original publication of the article to Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. The CC-BY Criterion follows open access to public policies based on the principle that free scientific content supports further global democratization of knowledge.


Privacy Policy

The names and addresses given in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.



Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo is published every six months:


First issue: August - January

The month of publication: January


Second issue: February-July

The month of publication: July