Social Innovation as a Process to Overcome Institutional Voids: A Multidimensional Overview


  • Manuela Rösing Agostini IFRS - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Luciana Vieira Marques
  • Marilia Bonzanini Bossle UNISINOS


Social Innovation. Institutional voids. Multidimensional analysis. Institutional context. Stakeholders.


Purpose: The objective of this paper is to propose a theoretical framework to explore social innovation as a response to institutional voids in a multidimensional analysis.

Originality/Gap/Relevance/Implications: Approaching the social innovation of the theoretical lens of institutional theory, in the institutional voids perspective. One of the gaps is to propose a multidimensional perspective that will occur through the examination of multiple actors in different institutional settings.

Key methodological aspects: To support the framework six theoretical proposals were developed from theoretical gaps identified in a systematic literature review, started in Web of Knowledge database.

Summary of key results: Results indicate dimensions that can be investigated in social innovation initiatives that fill institutional voids. The following dimensions were found: dimensions of institutional contexts (considering different contexts and the interference of political, financial, education/work and cultural systems); dimension of multiple actors (giving voice to different actors who have complementary objectives); dimension of the institutional pillars (cognitive, normative and regulative); and, dimensions of social innovation (modify/transform a social need; innovative solution, implementation of social innovation, involve actors and stakeholders; and effective results).

Key considerations/conclusions: This framework can be further tested in comparative studies among countries with distinguished levels of development. We identified the importance of analyse different social contexts and the diverse actors who are involved in social innovation initiatives. We identify new areas that are influencing social innovation and we propose new possibilities to investigate this field.


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Author Biographies

Manuela Rösing Agostini, IFRS - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Manuela Rösing Agostini is a doctoral student at Unisinos Business School, Brazil. She received her Master from the University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil. Manuela teaches at IFRS, Brazil. Member of the research group GERAR (Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship) at UNISINOS. Her research interests include social innovation and institutional voids.

Luciana Vieira Marques

Luciana Marques Vieira is professor in Management for the Postgraduate Program (PPG) at Unisinos Business School, Brazil. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Reading, England. Luciana has published in international journals. Her research interests include global agri-food chains management and international operations strategy.

Marilia Bonzanini Bossle, UNISINOS

Marilia Bonzanini Bossle is a Postdoctoral researcher at Graduate Program in Business Administration at UNISINOS and has a PhD (2015) in Business Administration from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Research areas of interest: Eco-innovation, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Social Innovation, Waste Management (Food Waste, PET Bottles).


