Lusophone space: use of idiomatic expressions

the same effects of meaning in different linguistic structures



The article discusses about idiomatic expressions with different lin-guistic structures and same meaning construction. It presents theoretical and conceptual aspects of the Lusophony and lexicology. It aims to explain the processes of the use of idiomatic expressions and their relations with the Por-tuguese-speaking world for the establishment of sociolinguistic and cultural similarities in the different countries of Portuguese language. As a methodolo-gical procedure, this article collects news stories on websites of selected coun-tries – Angola, Brazil, Guinea-Bissau and Portugal – with analysis of sociolin-guistic and cultural aspects in the Portuguese-speaking world. The conclusion is that different language structures generate the same sense, characterizing the interculturality in this Portuguese-speaking world, what truly approxima-tes the cultures of the countries that speak Portuguese, and also their socio-linguistic relations.  


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Author Biography

Flavio Biasutti Valadares, IFSP

Post-Doctorate in Literature (Lusophone Studies)/Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie-SP.
PhD in Portuguese Language/PUC-SP. Masters in Literature (Language Studies)/PUC-Rio.
Specialization in Language Studies and Degree in Literature-Portuguese/UFES. Currently,
he is a professor at IFSP/Câmpus São Paulo. Professional information: experience in teaching
in the areas of Linguistics, Portuguese Language and Research Methodology and Scientific Work;
preparing items for tests; in proofreading; in text and ABNT review; in journal management;
teaching Brazilian Portuguese as a second language; in refresher and extension courses
in the area of ​​language and scientific methodology. Research group: Description of Brazilian Portuguese [leader] (CNPq certificate) - IFSP-PRP-DHU-SCL.
Contact email:



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How to Cite

Valadares, F. B. (2016). Lusophone space: use of idiomatic expressions : the same effects of meaning in different linguistic structures. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 18(1), 37–47. Retrieved from