When I look at the mirror

Implications on teaching writing


  • Daniela Favero Netto


Enunciation. Teaching writing. Subjective writing. Subjectivity. High school.


This article begins with the problematization about the writing of oneself as a triad, in which the subject that writes moves towards the position of the object about which he/she writes and, also, towards the position of his/her first reader, but without abandoning its original place. The discussion about the process of recognizing oneself in the subjective writing and about some difficulties faced when talking about oneself in nonfictional texts is extended to the analysis of a case – the first version and the rewrite of a text by a secondary school student – and highlights some consequences of these movements in the teaching-learning process of writing, from the identification of failures in the text.


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Author Biography

Daniela Favero Netto

Doutora em Letras - Linguística Aplicada

Colégio de Aplicação - UFRGS
Professora do Departamento de Comunicação - Área de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura



How to Cite

Favero Netto, D. (2021). When I look at the mirror: Implications on teaching writing. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 23(3), 1–16. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/tl/article/view/14383



Language and Linguistics