Intertextualidade e interatividade; usos nos processos criativos

Intertextuality and interactivity: uses in creative processes


  • Rita de Cássia Domingues dos Santos UFMT/ECCO
  • Aline Wendpap Nunes de Siqueira UFMT


poéticas contemporâneas, linguagem audiovisual, linguagem musical, intertextualidade, interatividade


The research briefly outlined in this text arises from the authors' desire to discuss issues involving creative processes in different languages, encompassing interaction, interactivity and intertextuality in the contemporary context, focusing on audiovisual and musical languages. The objective is to discuss these concepts and verify how they contribute to the creative process and the generation of meanings in contemporary audiovisual and musical works, being structured in four parts: 1) Intertextuality and originality in expressions of artistic language; 2) Authorship in contemporary society; 3) Kaiyô: processes of creation and intertextuality in the postopera Cartas para Yataro; and 4) Interactivity and generation of meanings in the video Ocê qué brincar na FEB? A qualitative and interdisciplinary methodology was used, bringing contributions from Semiotics, Musicology and Cultural Studies, as well as from the areas of Communication and Literary Theory. This article is justified insofar as post-structuralist concepts, steeped in Marxism, relate capitalist consumerism to the universe of signs, revealing the fetishism of merchandise in the capitalist logic, which has made discussions of ideas about interaction, and also about intertextuality, more complex and, therefore, requiring frequent reflections and reconsiderations, due to the multiple meanings that come from it. Given the above, it is concluded that intertextuality and interactivity are increasingly becoming valuable tools to foster contemporary poetics, thus highlighting the need for scholars to focus more on these aspects of creative making.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. de C. D. dos, & Wendpap Nunes de Siqueira, A. (2024). Intertextualidade e interatividade; usos nos processos criativos : Intertextuality and interactivity: uses in creative processes. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 15(1), 71–94. Retrieved from