A SOUND POET: The profile of Patativa do Assaré

A sound poet: the profile of Patativa do Assaré


  • Antonio Iraildo Alves de Brito Faculdade Paulus de Comunicação - FAPCOM


Communication, Body, gestures, poetry, Patativa do Assaré


Having as formal object the poetry of Patativa do Assaré, this article considers the famous premise of Harry Pross (1971): “All communication begins in the body and ends there”. The phrase as a starting and finishing point of the approach. The body as source and origin of communication. The body as a medium or tentacle, capable of creating bonds. The body still acts as a catalyst for communication environments, simply because it is present. The main objective of the article is to compose the poet's profile, highlighting his creative gestures, observing the constitutive aspects of the performance, especially the gestures of the body and the role of the voice, one that all of Patativa's work is anchored in orality. The poet is voice. The voice as a “symbolic place that cannot be defined in any other way than by a relationship, a distance, an articulation between the subject and the object, between the object and the other” (ZUMTHOR, 2007, p. 83). Patativa would be “the echo of a very lively poetic time since late antiquity” (ZUMTHOR, 1993, p. 73). The poet would place himself in the same perspective as “many creators, artists and writers (who) project new lights into the mixtures of the world that the social sciences do not always provide” (GRUZINSKI, 2001, p. 41). The analytical-interpretative method takes into account the indications of the poems themselves, the fittings and mediations contained in them (PINHEIRO, 2013).




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How to Cite

Alves de Brito, A. I. (2024). A SOUND POET: The profile of Patativa do Assaré: A sound poet: the profile of Patativa do Assaré. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 15(1), 35–57. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/tint/article/view/16222