Ciência e audiovisual: o processo criativo prático-teórico de roteirização, montagem e edição da série documental Eu, Mutum

Science and audiovisual: the practial-theoretical creative process of scripting, mounting and editing the documentary series Eu, Mutum


  • Tatiana Maria Araujo UFSCar
  • Hylio Laganá Fernandes UFSCar


Creative Processes, Documentary, Series I, Mutum, Scientific divulgation, Environmental education


This article presents the creative process of scripting, assembling and editing the documentary trilogy Eu, Mutum, which shows the trajectory of (re)existence of the alagoas curassow (Pauxi mitu). The short documentaries that make up the series aim to promote Environmental Education and Scientific Dissemination of CEP's ARCA project and record an important milestone for world science – the reintroduction of the the alagoas curassow extinction to its place of origin, the Centro de Endemismo Pernambuco (CEP). The alagoas curassow is one of the rarest birds on the planet that survived only in breeding grounds and was reintroduced to CEP in 2019, after 40 years extinct in the region, through a collective effort by researchers, breeders and public and private bodies. The CEP is a territory of the Atlantic Forest in the northeast of Brazil that suffers from high levels of degradation and is considered one of the most threatened environments in the world. The videos that make up the series were captured during the unprecedented reintroduction process. In addition to the creative praxis, the text reveals how interdisciplinary studies in the fields of communication, education and emotional art in the creative process of the series. And it reflects on how the contemporary audiovisual language and its artistic techniques and aesthetics can contribute to the communicational and pedagogical processes of Scientific Dissemination and Environmental Education.


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How to Cite

Araujo, T. M., & Fernandes, H. L. (2024). Ciência e audiovisual: o processo criativo prático-teórico de roteirização, montagem e edição da série documental Eu, Mutum: Science and audiovisual: the practial-theoretical creative process of scripting, mounting and editing the documentary series Eu, Mutum. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 15(1), 107–127. Retrieved from