The 500 years of Christian reform in the history of Western culture and its museification in Brazil


  • Anaildo Bernardo Baraçal UNIRIO
  • Márcio Marques dos Santos Museu Nacional de Belas Artes


History of Art; Martin Luther; Memory; Evangelicals, Protestant Reformation


The Protestant religion in the country's memory records. Aspects of the influence of the Protestant Reformation, initiated by Martin Luther in 1517, continued and later expanded by João Calvino in the history of Western culture, particularly in Brazil, give rise to reflection on the theme in scope of Social and Human Sciences, in general, and museistics, in particular.Issues were identified that indicate this relationship in a process in which facts influenced each other in their developments and consequences over time, generating an important synergy, in a phase in which significant transformations were registered for Western society. Registering the way in which Protestantism marked Brazilian history, in the Dutch occupation in the Northeast, and the French occupation in Rio de Janeiro, and developed in Brazil, in addition to the current significant presence and performance of Evangelical Churches in the country, it addresses its presence memorialized among us.A survey was carried out on how the Brazilian Public Power promotes the identification, registration and preservation of material and immaterial goods generated by the Protestant faith in Brazil. We sought to compare these data with records of other religious manifestations, in order to identify how the theme of the sacred in culture is understood in Brazilian public policies. Likewise, we present initiatives, behaviors and instruments developed by the Protestant Churches with regard to art. We identified names of artists whose life or the Reformation influenced work.


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Author Biography

Anaildo Bernardo Baraçal, UNIRIO

Museologist - UNIRIO, Master and Doctor in Museology and Heritage / UNIRIO/MAST, professor at UNIRIO and technician at the National Museum of Fine Arts - Ibram / Special Secretariat for Culture / Ministry of Tourism


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How to Cite

Baraçal, A., & Marques dos Santos, M. (2022). The 500 years of Christian reform in the history of Western culture and its museification in Brazil. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 13(1), 241–256. Retrieved from