Contemporary cinema in biopolitics: the well, the culture of the drain and social waste


  • Wesley Santana Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Keywords: State. Biopolitics. Era Vargas. Contemporary cinema. Social inequality.


Abstract: Based on the analysis of the film source O Poço, 2019, we built a historical-political narrative of the use of the body and subjectivities to illustrate the formation of the biopolitical state in Brazil in the mid-1930s, in the period known as the Vargas Era. The condition of this biopolitical State is given from the function of consolidating industrial capitalism, including/excluding urban workers, promoting social rights and the use of biomedia. In this context, biopolitics produces the state of exception and concentration camps (AGAMBEN, 2010) that, fictionally, we find in the filmic message of human mediocrity through greed, selfishness and consumption, where most live under the politics of survival, body and subjectivity, guaranteeing social inequalities, the culture of the drain and social waste.



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How to Cite

Santana, W. (2021). Contemporary cinema in biopolitics: the well, the culture of the drain and social waste. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 12(2), 98–110. Retrieved from