Social Support and Satisfaction of Primary Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
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This study aimed to analyze the satisfaction with social support available to primary caregivers of children with CP. Participated 101 caregivers of children 0-12 years with cerebral palsy. Instruments: Social Support Scale, Scale of Satisfaction with Social Support, sociodemographic schedule and Gross Motor Function Classification System. Analysis procedures: ANOVA, chi-square test, Pearson correlation and correlation test. Results: family satisfaction had the highest satisfaction followed by satisfaction with friends, intimate satisfaction and social activities. The supports were positively related to the different types of satisfaction. The caregivers of older children reported less informational support and those who cared for more compromised children reported less satisfaction with intimacy. However, the level of general satisfaction was high due to the high satisfaction with the family, a relevant result within a positive perspective of the evaluation of families of children with CP.
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