Memory Knowledge and Memory Self-Efficacy in Adults: Relations with Social and Educational Indicators
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This study compared Memory Knowledge and Memory Self-Efficacy (Metamemory), assessed by the Metamemory in Adulthood Questionnaire (MIA), in adults aged from 28 to 59 years, allocated in two educational level groups: up to complete Secondary Education (n = 20) and complete Undergraduates (n = 20). Moreover, we have examined the association between Metamemory and socioeconomic status (SES), and frequency of reading (RH) and writing (WH) habits in the total sample. Results showed that Undergraduate adults perceived themselves with more control over memory and more memory knowledge and usage of strategies compared to the other group. In general, adults with higher SES, RH and WH reported more memory Strategies and more Control over mnemonic abilities. These educational and socioeconomic indicators may be associated with a refined cognitive functioning. We discuss the role of educational profile and intellectual activities in healthy and economically active adults.
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