Work-Family Interference and Work-Family Facilitation: A study of measurement invariance between genders

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Carla Santos Carvalho
Lisete S. Mendes Mónico
Vânia Almeida Pinto
Maria Inés Alegre
Carlos Américo Pinto
Denize Oliveira
Pedro Miguel Parreira


The subject of work-family interaction (W-F) has been of great interest for research, both by negative interference (conflict) and by positive interference (facilitation). The antecedents and consequences of this relationship have been investigated, and gender differences have been in many studies. The purpose of this study is to address the invariance of the male and female measurements regarding interference (W-F) in higher education teachers. The Work-Family Scale (Carvalho & Andrade, 2012) was applied to a sample of 610 Portuguese higher education teachers, studying its dimensionality through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The structure of the proposed theoretical model was well adjusted to the multi-group sample. Measurement invariance was tested with the Chi-square test. Impact factors of the W-F tension on Work and of W-F tension on Family were invariant among teachers, indicating an independence with regard to gender. Measurements for the remaining factors (Work Interference with Family, Family Interference with Work, Work as Family Life Facilitator, and Family as Work Facilitator) varied between men and women.



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Psychological Assessment


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