Adequacy of the SON-R 6-40 for People with Intellectual Disabilities

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Talita de Araújo Alves
Jacob Arie Laros


Intelligence tests are essential tools for the diagnosis of intellectual disabili­ties. The present study aimed at evaluating the adequacy of the SON-R 6-40, a intelli­gence nonverbal test, for people with intellectual disability. The SON-R 6-40 consists of four subtests: Categories and Situations (reasoning subtests) and Mosaics and Patterns (performance subtests). The test was administered to 50 people with intellectual disa­bility. For this group, a average IQ score of 73 (SD = 2,08) was observed. Exploratory factor analysis indicated two factors, the first being composed of performance subtests, and the second of reasoning subtests. The average score of men on the performance factor was significantly higher than the average score of women (p < .01; Cohen’s d = 0,58). The obtained results give support to previous studies of the SON-R 6-40 and suggest the adequacy of this test for people with intellectual disability.


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Psychological Assessment


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