Profiles of Students who are Forwarded to Pedagogical Support

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Andreia Osti
Selma de Cássia Martinelli


The following article analyzed a group of 371 students, who attend from 1st to 5th grade of elementary school, from public schools in a city in located in the interior of São Paulo’s state, who were part of pedagogical care by virtue of their poor academic performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate these groups of students according to their characteristics such as age, grade, gender and the specific learning difficulties presented. The results indicate that most of the referred students are boys, which sets prevalence according to gender. In relation to the school year, 59.7 % are enrolled between the 1st and 3rd year and 40.3 % between the 4th and 5th grade of elementary school. Amongst the students who have presented a lag between age and grade, 70.2 % of these were identified with problems in writing, 83.9 % in mathematics and 44% in reading.


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Psychology and Education


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