Eye Movements During Reading Single Words by Young and Adults in Literacy

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Meiry Tiaki Ogusuko
Katerine Lukasova
Eliseu Coutinho de Macedo


The objective of present study was to analyze eye movements patterns during reading words in Brazilian Portuguese. Eye movements during the words reading were recorded from 13 students from Education for Young and for Adults (EYA) (people project with the mean age of 48,33 years, with 7 females, 7 of grade level 3 and 6 of grade level 4. The General Matrices Progressives Scale - RAVEN test was used to assess non-verbal intelligence. It was used the equipament for eyes movements register TOBII ® Results showed that intelligence score range from normal to low. It was observed effect of word frequency and length for fixation number and forward saccades. Regressive saccades were affected by of word length, regularity and frequency. Results show that the Regressive saccades were more sensible to psycholinguistics aspects.


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