Reading and Writing: an Integrated Cognitive Model

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Débora Cecilio Fernandes
Priscila Ligabó Murarolli


The aim of the present article is to present the theoretical model for acquisition of reading and writing from Berninger and collaborators. It is a cognitive system which integrates the specific processes of reading and writing and cognitive processes. The specific processes of the writing system include the generation of ideas, the representation of these same ideas into language, the transcription (integration of the motor action along with the orthographic knowledge) in order to, finally, produce a written text. The processes of reading are the recognition of words through phonology, morphology and orthography, syntactic and grammatical processing to achieve the reading comprehension. Reading and writing are supported by the working memory and are more efficient when children make use of executive processes like the establishment of objectives, the planning, the monitoring and the self?regulation. Advantages in considering this theoretical model for writing and reading researches from the cognitive point of view are here presented.


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Psychology and Education


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