Interdisciplinary Protocol of Neuropsychological, Behavioral and Clinical Assessments for Children and Adolescents with Inattention and Hyperactivity Complaints

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Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro
José Salomão Schwartzman
Carla Nunes Cantiere
Adriana de Fatima Ribeiro
Naiara Adorna da Silva
Maria Aparecida Fernandes Martin
Camila Maria Chiquetto
Gisele da Silva Baraldi
Mirella Martins de Castro Mariani
Mayra Fernanda Ferreira Seraceni
Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira


This article presents a protocol developed for the investigation of signs of inattention and hyperactivity in children and adolescents, considering the behavioral, neuropsychological and clinical aspects. The first stage is a telephone triage. Further, the assessment consists of a face-to-face screening in which a behavioral inventory (BPM) is filled, and neuropsychological tests (IQ estimated by the Wisc-III and CPT-II Test) are performed. If there are indicators of inattention and hyperactivity the participant passes to the third stage. This stage is composed by complete neuropsychological instruments and inventories of behavioral assessment by multiple informants from Aseba approach. After this battery is finished, an evaluation with a pediatric neurologist occurs. When the feedbacks are given, the cases are addressed to diverse follow-ups according to the signals reported. Multidisciplinary and multiple informants’ approaches bring greater clarity in identifying ADHD compatible signs, and also increase the specificity criteria to intervention actions indication.


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Psychological Assessment


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