A Comparative Study Between Two Brazilian Translations of the “Youth Self-Report” (YSR)

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Marina Monzani da Rocha
Lucirley Guimarães de Sousa Araújo
Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares


The Youth Self-Report is a North-American self evaluation inventory of behavior problems aimed at youth (11-18 years). A literature review has indicated an absence of validation studies of this questionnaire in Brazil and the coexistence of two translations, here named Forms A and B. To overcome such difficulty, helping future researches, a group of 90 youths (M = 13.12; SD = 0.805) from three Brazilian cities fulfilled successively both trans lations: half of them followed the sequence A-B and the other half the sequence B-A. In both situations all the participants had a break equivalent to the duration of a class before filling the second translation. No statistical differences were found regarding the answers on both forms. The correlation index between forms A and B was elevated for most scales, indicating content equivalence. In conclusion, it is desirable to have only one translation in use in Brazil, considering the results that depicted that both translations are capable of measuring, with similar intensity, the proposed behaviors.


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