The Brazilian Media’s Role in the Construction of the Social Representations of Food-Safety

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Juliana Mezzomo Allain
Brigido Vizeu Camargo


In the 90s, in some countries, such as England and France, food-safety changes from being a fight against hunger to a concern about food quality. Food abundance in these countries and mainly the food crisis through which they passed, led to the transformation of this term representation, in which the media played a fundamental role. Brazil is a country of social contrasts, mixing a middle class with globalized consumption standards and another great part of the population that suffers from malnutrition or even hunger. The goal of this research was to verify which are the social representations of food-safety displayed by Brazilian media. All articles published on this theme by Folha de S. Paulo from 2000 to 2005 were gathered. Data was analyzed with the aid of the software Alceste. Results show that food-safety is still portrayed as a fight against hunger with little space dedicated to the issue of sanitary food-safety.


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