Creative Performance of Children and Teens of Five Regions of Brazil

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Tatiana de Cássia Nakano
Tássia Abrão Pina
Priscila Zaia
Letícia Molina Rodrigues
Talita Fernanda da Silva
Carolina Rosa Campos


The present study aimed to investigate the influence of environment variable on creative performance of children and adolescents. A sample of 1250 students from five Brazilian regions (250 for each one) answered to the children’s test of figu ral creativity. In general, the results suggest the influence of the variable region in all the factors measured by the instrument and in the most part of twelve characteristics. Also it is important to note that in all the factors very different performance profiles were found between regions, in order to demonstrate that in the present study, ambiental influences seems to be influencing the students’ creative production. These results confirm the literature notes that creativity cannot be understood without considering the context in which the individual is inserted. This information is much important to be considered during the evaluation.


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