Social Representations and Stereotypes about Aids and People Living with Hiv/Aids
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This study had the purpose of verifying the stereotypes in the social representations of the adolescents about aids and people living with HIV/Aids. The participants were 300 students from public and private schools of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. A self-administrated questionnaire was used, and included an evocation test, objective and open ended questions and a scale. The data analysis involved descriptive and relational statistics, lexicographic analysis and similarity analysis. The results indicated that the social representation about people living with HIV/Aids is permeated of stereotypes and negative elements, which involved emotional aspects and physical attributes, and the element “prejudice” manifests as an organizer of that representation. The participants considered that people living with HIV/Aids are responsible by their condition and rejected situations of close contact with them. Further, aids was referred to as a disease that brings suffering and death, and are permeated by the prejudice.
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