Personality and Risky Behaviours of Drivers: Sex Differences

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José Poças Correia
Maria da Purificação Cunha Horta


The sensation seeking personality trait is associated with some risky driving behaviours, which has consequences in society. The aim of this study was to verify whether sex differentiates the sensation-seeking trait and the propensity for risky driving behaviours. 140 drivers were evaluated (70 men, 70 women), aged between 25 and 55 years. The instruments used were a demographic questionnaire and scales SSS-V and DBQ. It was found that male drivers commit more violations and have higher scores in thrill and adventure seeking (TAS), while women are more prone to seek experiences (ES) and a stronger correlation between the trait of sensation seeking and the commitment of lapses and traffic violations. Results suggested that sex differentiates sensationseeking trait and its association to risky driving behaviours, what should be considered in the training of new drivers.


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Social Psychology and Population's Health


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