Body Image, Anxiety and Depression in Women Submitted to Bariatric Surgery
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The impact of overweight and bariatric surgery can lead to psychological complications, such as: anxiety and depression and Body Image disorders. This study evaluated symptoms of anxiety and depression and body image in women submitted to bariatric surgery. Fifty women responded to Beck anxiety inventory (BAI), Beck depression inventory (BDI) and the figure rating scale (FRS) before and four months after bariatric surgery. Anthropometric evaluation was performed to obtain the Body Mass Index (BMI). After the surgery was verified a decrease in mean BMI (p < 0,001) and the average score on the BAI (p < 0,01) and BDI (p = 0,001). The FRS showed that most respondents overestimated their BMI real and 100% were dissatisfied with the selfimage. Despite the weight reduction and improvement in symptomatology, the participants had IC disorders, justifying the importance of a more detailed assessment of this variable in individuals who undergo surgical treatment.
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