Bonds of Love that Favor the Autonomy of Desire

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Maria Emília Sousa Almeida


This article aims to think about the process through which the psychic suffering of the being in his childhood, his pathological bonds with his object of desire, his connection with the traditional moral and his influence by some ideas of the post modern culture. Those factors turn themselves into obstacles to the autonomy of the desire, with its sense of the proper laws and principles of the persons’ desire. A connection between parts of clinical situations – learned by the psychoanalytical method – and the discursive practice of the people in their daily lives is made. They are examined through a vertex of the deficits in the representational system to represent traumatic situations and its damaging effects on the autonomy of the desire. Failures in the psychic representation due to the traumas in the initial bonds constitute into blanks of the self. Together with the dictates of post modernity, they distort the loving bond of the person with his desire and the other’s. Concepts of psychoanalysts and sociologists have been giving opportunity to the hypothetical constructions of the author.


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