Body Image Satisfaction And Self-Concept In Teenagers

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Denise da Fonseca Martins
Maiana Farias Oliveira Nunes
Ana Paula Porto Noronha


This study aimed at verifying the association between body image satisfaction and self-concept in teenagers, analyzing the means difference regarding school type, age and gender. Body image can be comprehended as the mental draw of the body, through images and representations, and self-concept is the knowledge that the individual develops about himself. Both constructs are important for analyzing psychological well being at teenaging. Fifty teenagers, students in high school of public and private schools, with age between 14 and 17 years old, took part on the research. It was used the “Escala de Autoconceito Infanto-Juvenil” (EAC-IJ) and
the “Avaliação da Satisfação com a Imagem Corporal”. Correlations between the test factors were, most of them, significant and positive. There were significant mean differences regarding gender and type of the student’ school, however it did not happen regarding to their age.


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