Different Perspectives Before the Conduct of Psychology Intern in Clinical Context

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Fernanda Andrade de Freitas


This article aimed to identify the relationship among different perspectives related to the conduct of Psychological interns in clinical context and of supervision. The subjects involved were 83 students, 10 supervisors and 33 clients. They answered the instruments: student self-assessment (SA), supervisor evaluation (SE) and client assessment (CA), respectively. The instruments were used to evaluate the performance of the student/therapist in the process of supervision and clinical care. In order to carry out the data analysis, it was used the correlation and the ANOVA. The results suggest that the assessments of the clients are related to the assessments of the supervisors and students. In that sense, this study shows the needing for the students to receive feedbacks about their development, while interns and supervised students, based on different perspectives and definite criteria. The ratings allow the student to self-observe effectively, promoting their maturation as a intern-therapist and supervised. This study does not exhaust other possibilities and suggests that other studies be developed with still more significant samples and more improved instruments.


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