Family Relations of Two Riverside Children in Amazon

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Daiane Gasparetto da Silva
Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes
Simone Souza da Costa Silva


The way of life of the Amazon’s riverside man organizes the inter-personal relations of children in a peculiar manner, corroborating the idea in which each context generates the development of different social skills. With this assumption, the present research had as objective to describe the particularities from the interactions of two aged three children with their partners in riverside community located in the Araraiana river – Marajó Island/Pará. As methodological resources were used: routine inventory (RI), field diary (FD) and
semi-structured interview. The results were organized coming out of the families dyads. Based on the data, was observed that the family’s context structures the relations with the children, introducing them in the riverside culture through the instrumentalization of skills and competences which allow them to survive in an autonomous way.


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