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Abstract: This study aimed to construct and validate a psychological measure called the Specific Risk-Taking Scale (Epre) for the Brazilian population. The study included 394 people: 158 adults in conflict with the law (nmen = 149; nwomen = 9) that had already been in prison (meanage = 34.23 years; sd = 10.17), 122 college students (nmen = 108; nwomen = 14; m = 19.26; sd = 2.06) and 114 women above 40 years old and at least high school concluded (m = 51.19; sd = 8.64). The factor analysis procedures generated an instrument structured in four dimensions (health/safety, substance abuse, financial investment and risk in social relations) with satisfactory reliability indexes for research purposes. We concluded that the factor structure of risk-taking suggested here is a relevant material in the Brazilian context to study cultural and contextual differences on risk in this country. However this construct needs more studies to be consolidated because of its conceptual complexity.
Keywords: risk-taking; psychological measure; domain-specific; psychometrics; multidimensional approach.Downloads
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