Affective and Continuing Commitment and Organizational Entrenchment: Establishing Empirical and Conceptual Limits

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Patrícia Carvalho
Flávia Jôse Oliveira Alves
Adriano de Lemos Alves Peixoto
Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos


The three-dimensional model of organizational commitment presents conceptual and empirical problems, such as antagonistic behavior from the continuing basis when compared to the other ones. As part of an effort to improve the discriminant validity level of the construct, and, thus, increase its predictive power, this paper examines the relevance of the three-dimensional model and, particularly, the persistence of the continuing basis in the construct. For that, correlation analyses between the Organizational Entrenchment and Organizational Commitment constructs and between them and different and consequent antecedents were carried out in a sample of 721 workers, aiming to determine the extent to which the affective and continuing bases of Organizational Commitment resemble or differ from Organizational Entrenchment. The results show a divergence between the continuing basis when compared to the affective basis, suggesting they are different links. At the same time, the similarity between the Organizational Entrenchment and the continuing basis suggests they are the same phenomenon.


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