Associate Factors at Burnout Syndrome in Municipal Public Workers

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Clarice Schoenardie Mallmann
Lílian Palazzo
Mary Sandra Carlotto
Denise Rangel Ganzo de Castro Aerts


It is a cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the Burnout Syndrome in public workers of a city’s metropolitan region of Porto Alegre – RS, and its possible associations with characteristics of the position and the perception of type of work and workplace. The instrument used was composed of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, version Human Services Survey and a questionary. The Emotional Exhaustion dimension had higher scores. There was a relation, mainly of night shift, day shift or varied shifts to the health absences. The three dimensions of Burnout were associated with the variables that revealed dissatisfaction with the type of work and workplace. Low level of professional fulfillment was only associated to the variables related to the work perception and the labor context as well as health absences. Neither of them were related to the characteristics of the position of the worker. The study shows the importance of the work organization on the development of the syndrome and the necessity of preventive interventions, mainly regarding the interpersonal relationships at work.


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