Delayed Matching-To-Sample Tasks Implemented Online To Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Replication
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The present study aimed to verify the effect of different delay times in conditional, identity and arbitrary discrimination tasks, in participants with intellectual disabilities and ASD, applied remotely, and to evaluate whether the contingencies of cues for engaging in precurrent behaviors (when needed) were relevant to performance in matching tasks with the delayed model. Two young people/adults with intellectual disabilities and four children with ASD participated. The procedure consisted of teaching identity relations through matching-to-sample and delayed matching-to-sample tests of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 seconds; these same steps were employed with the arbitrary relations. If the participant performed below 80% of correct answers in the tests, he/she performed the DMTS tasks, with differential reinforcement, and/or with oral cue and/or naming, respectively. At the end of the procedure, the participant was asked about the strategies used in DMTS tasks. Six participants presented accurate performances both in the training and in the conditional identity and arbitrary discrimination tests. Two participants with intellectual disabilities required an additional procedure to establish arbitrary relationships. The results showed a decrease in performance due to the increase in delay, especially for participants with intellectual disabilities. As for precurrent behaviors, the results suggest that these were relevant to the remembering behavior required in the experimental tasks. Future studies should expand the investigation of remembering and precurrent behaviors, in DMTS tasks, with the public with developmental delay.
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