Standardization of the Instrument for Brief Assessment of Reading, Writing, and Comprehension – IBALEC

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Gislaine Gasparin Nobile
Flávio Rebustini
Sylvia Domingos Barrera


Grounded in cognitive psychology, the IBALEC is designed to assess basic reading, writing and reading comprehension skills among 1st-5th year students in the first cycle of elementary education in Brazil. This study presents the results of the instrument standardization process, in which the IBALEC was individually administered to 825 public school students (439 boys; 386 girls; median age = 8.5 years; SD = 1.65). The results show that overall scores increase as the academic years progress, demonstrating that the instrument has good sensitivity for differentiating between different levels of literacy skills across academic years. The standardization of scores into three performance bands (lag in performance, satisfactory performance and high performance) for each academic year meets the instrument’s objective of offering health and education professionals a brief instrument for assessing basic aspects of mastery of written language.


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Psychology and Education


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