Therapeutic Bond: Challenges of a Multidisciplinary Team Specialized in Eating Disorders

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Bruna Bortolozzi Maia
Érika Arantes de Oliveira-Cardoso
Rosane Pilot Pessa
Marina Garcia Manochio Pina
Manoel Antônio dos Santos


Establishing a good therapeutic alliance is essential in the treatment of people with anorexia or bulimia nervosa. However, healthcare providers consider sustaining the professional-patient bond challenging, as many patients do not acknowledge their illnesses and need for professional help. This study aimed to understand the meanings the team specialized in eating disorders (ED) assigned to the professional-patient bond. This descriptive-exploratory study adopted the Clinical-Qualitative Method and Bonding Psychoanalysis as the theoretical framework. Twenty-three professionals participated in this study. They were members of a healthcare team at a specialized ED outpatient clinic at a university hospital. Data were collected through semi-directed interviews applied online and submitted to Reflexive Thematic Analysis organized into three categories: (1) the centrality of the therapeutic relationship and how to enhance it to favor the treatment; (2) Difficulty in maintaining the professional-patient bond: an exhausting and demanding exercise; (3) Responding to the challenges imposed on the therapeutic relationship: perseverance and tolerance to frustration. Even though the participants recognize difficulties in maintaining a therapeutic relationship, they value it as a structuring axis of care and a factor that determines a successful therapeutic process. Empathy appears as a catalyzing vector of the therapeutic relationship, and the professionals perceive that they are also transformed in the patient’s treatment journey. Additionally, the healthcare providers need to improve their resources to strengthen the therapeutic potential of the bond and overcome the challenges.


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Social Psychology and Population's Health


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