Expressions Of Sexism In The Workplace: Scoping Review
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The sexism, as prejudice and discrimination against women, can also be observed in the work environment, in an interpersonal and institutional way, especially in environments considered typically male. In this context, we believe it is important to study sexism in the workplace. That said, we carried out a scoping review in order to identify and analyze studies that deal with “expressions of sexism in the workplace”. For this purpose, we performed a bibliographic search in the SciELO, PePSIC, LILACS, Index Psi, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES and Web of Science databases, selecting documents published in article format and articles with descriptors present in the title, abstract, keywords or subject, and excluding duplicate articles, articles without abstract or unavailable in full on the internet and articles that did not deal with the theme as the main focus. Thus, we obtained a final bank consisting of 129 articles, which were analyzed manually and using the IRaMuTeQ software. The results showed a greater publication in recent years, a predominance of quantitative empirical and international articles and that the topic is of multidisciplinary interest, with emphasis on Psychology. The studies present a well-defined methodological structure and emphasize the ambivalent character of sexism, its institutional manifestation and the figure of woman as victim of this phenomenon. The theme is of increasing interest but deserves more attention in the local context. This review brings important contributions and presents limitations and suggestions for future researches.
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