Theoretical and Methodological Proposal to Plan Careers and Career Paths of People and Organization

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Maiky Díaz Pérez
Gabriela Cabrera Lorenzo


What motivations move young people to jobs and organizations? How many workers in today's world of work aspire to organizational retirement, and what types of organizations aspire to it? One research topic that contributes to answering these questions is the study of career development. The literature review reveals a lack of theoretical and practical models that address career development from the combined perspective of individual and institutional relationships. As a result of the comparison, analysis and systematization of the theoretical sources consulted, a model of multilevel career development stages is presented, which includes the perspective of dialectical analysis of the relationships between individuals and institutions and which critically assimilates the theories of Super and Schein. The meeting and coincidence points of the work trajectories of individuals and organizations in the career development process are located. Psychological interviews and the assessment and feedback method for potential development can technically contribute to this purpose.


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ESPECIAL - Trabalho e Saúde Face às Metamorfoses Contemporâneas


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