Adaptation and Validity Evidence of the Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale to Brazilian Portuguese
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This study presents the Brazilian version of the Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS), one of the most widely used instrument for the assessment perfectionism in young people. The study was conducted on a sample of 599 adolescents (Mean age = 15.46 SD = 1.15), 66% girls. We investigated CAPS internal structure, measurement properties according to age and sex, and its relationship with other questionnaires. We found good fit for a two-factor structure for the CAPS controlling for acquiescent responding style χ²(207) = 774.25 p < .001 CFI = .930 TLI = .922 RMSEA = .068 (90% CI = .063 - .073) SRMR = .068. We found evidence of invariance across participants’ sex and lack of bias (using a MIMIC approach) due to participant age. There was an association of the CAPS scores with personality traits and a measure of mental health. The CAPS can be used as a questionnaire to assess perfectionism in Brazilian adolescents.
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