Affects and Emotionalities in Women Who Have Suffered Intimate Partner Violence

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Bruna Maia Maglhães
Valeska Zanello
Iara Flor Richwin Ferreira


Starting from a critical perspective that considers emotions and ways of subjectivation as socially involved, the present article aimed to investigate the feelings, affections and emotions experienced by women who have suffered physical violence in an intimate relationship, how they are configured and manifested in the entering, maintaining and exiting a violent heterosexual relationship. A multiple case study was carried out through interviews with five women. The material was transcribed and analyzed by two researchers, first separately. Then, together, the cases were debated seeking their singularities and similarities, taking into account an analysis through gender dispositifs . In the discussion developed in this article, observations on the following topics were addressed: 1) Narcissistic satisfaction of being chosen and special; 2) Forms of violence; 3) Mobilized Affections; 4) “The love of my life”: idealization of romantic love; and 5) The decentering of romantic love and the entry of the “third party”: possible ways out.


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