Narcissism and Biopolitical: for an Affective Sustainability in Gloomy Times

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Sonia Regina Vargas Mansano
Paulo Roberto de Carvalho
Flávia Fernandes de Carvalhaes


Studies on the socio-environmental risks are frequent. Scientists warn that if no immediate action is taken, life itself on the planet will be in danger. This research aimed to identify and analyze, under the focus of Social Psychology and the Philosophy of Difference, experiences of affective sustainability in the urban space. Adopting a methodology strategy of oral history, we sought to follow the reports of participants linked to a Superior Institution of Studies who were willing to share the affective impacts resulting from your urban relation in a pandemic station. The reports were analytically organized in two axes: 1. Deterritorialization and fears; 2. Narcissistic frustrations and biopolitical restrictions. The results show that the first perceptions were marked by surprise, anguish, and fear. It concluded that affectively sustaining this experience is still a challenge for collectivity in its interface with the cities.


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