Unified Multidimensional Calling Scale: Brazilian Version’s Psychometric Properties and Invariance

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Lilian Gazzoli Zanotelli
Alexsandro Luiz de Andrade


This study aimed to translate, adapt, and present the psychometric properties of the Unified Multidimensional Calling Scale – UMCS and the invariance of the measure by sex for the Brazilian population. The study included a sample of 2111 adult workers (67% women) aged between 18 and 77 years (M = 41.70; SD = 11.10). The Brazilian version of the scale showed better fit indices with a seven-factor structure and gender invariance. In addition, the measure showed external evidence with significant work, protean career orientation, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and workaholism. Thus, it was concluded that the results obtained expand the nomological network of the construct of Occupational Callings and discuss its theoretical and practical implications. The results favor using the adapted measure in research and evaluation contexts in career themes in Brazil.


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