Translation and Evidence of Validity of the Basic Empathy Scale

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Beatriz Gavazzi Lopes Prado
Gustavo Marcelino Siquara


This research aimed to adapt and seek evidence of validity for the Basic Empathy Scale (BES). To obtain the data, the instrument was applied by providing an online link on a digital platform. The study had 376 participants, 311 women, and 62 men, with a mean age of 30.9 years (SD = 13.3). Data were collected by the REDCAP platform and analyzed by SPSS Statistics 23.0 and Factor. For data analysis, the Parallel Analysis data extraction method was used. The Brazilian validation of the EBE revealed adequate psychometric properties, specifically at the two-factor structural level (KMO = 0.85; FDI > 0.9). The internal consistency was 0.83. Convergent and discriminant validities had significant correlations. From the adequate psychometric indices, it can be concluded that the instrument was adequately adapted to the Brazilian population.


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