Self-monitoring and Self-reactions for Reading Comprehension Scales: Initial Psychometric Studies
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The Self-Monitoring for Reading Scale (Escala Automonitoramento para Ler [EAu-L]) and Self-Reactions for Reading Comprehension Scale (Escala Autorreações para a Compreensão de Leitura [EAr-CL]) were elaborated to assess two key processes of the self-perceived behavior dimension of self-regulation for learning in middle school students. The first part of this study aimed to investigate the evidence based on the test content of these scales. Three expert judges and 16 students participated in the research. The results indicated that the scale items are intelligible and representative in theoretical and practical terms through qualitative and quantitative analyses. The second part of the study aimed to analyze the evidence based on the internal structure and reliability of the scales. In this phase, the participants were 522 students. Factor analyses indicated a single-factor structure for the EAu-L and a two-factor structure for the EArCL. Both scales obtained adequate reliability indices. New studies are planned to expand the psychometric quality of these scales.
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