Academic Performance in 1st and 3rd Grade: A Predictive Study

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Patricia Oliveira de Lima Bento
Luciana Carla dos Santos Elias
Cristiane Clíssia Pereira
Letícia Melo de Paulo
Marta Regina Gonçalves Correia-Zanini


The early years of elementary school are essential for improving social and academic skills. This study aimed to predict academic performance in the 3rd year of elementary school based on school stressors, social skills and behavior problems, and academic performance in the 1st year and verify changes and stability of the investigated variables from the 1st to the 3rd year and associations. The study included 43 1st-year students with an average age of six years and 3rd-year eight-year-olds, and eight 1st-year teachers and seven 3rd-year teachers. The research was carried out in public schools in the interior of São Paulo. The following instruments were adopted: Provinha Brasil, Inventory of School Stressors, and Social Skills Rating System (SSRS-BR). School stressors and academic performance in the 1st year were predictors of academic performance in the 3rd year. Students showed gains in academic performance and social skills, and reduction in behavior problems, with significant associations between variables. Predictive studies contribute to the development of prevention programs.


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