Reliability Of The Bayley Scale: Assessing Children Affected By Zika Virus

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Tamiles Cerqueira Lopes da Silva
George Anderson Alves dos Santos
Leticia Marques dos Santos
Vanessa Madaschi
Andrea Perosa Saigh Jurdi
Darci Neves dos Santos


Understanding and measuring the determinants that influence child development could help to better target early childhood health care. The Bayley III scales were used to assess the development of children with and without a diagnosis of zika virus congenital syndrome, participating in a longitudinal study and evaluated at home. Inter-observer reliability was examined at three assessment points, and the process of training and supervising the interdisciplinary team was also described, in order to standardize the procedures for applying the instrument in data collection. Reliability measures were produced using the kappa index and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The average kappa values were 0.92, 0.89 and 0.96, respectively, for the first, second and third measures of inter-rater reliability. The ICC remained above 90% for each sub-scale evaluated in the three measurements carried out. The results show excellent indicators of reliability in the application of the scales, suggesting the importance of training and supervising the team to ensure a standard of inter-observer reliability in the assessment of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in population studies.


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Psychological Assessment


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