Evidence-based Interventions for Promoting Prosocial Behavior in Schools: Integrative Review

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Iara da Silva Freitas
Gabriela Eustáquio de Oliveira
Vanessa da Silva Lima
Márcia Helena da Silva Melo


Since the last decades, an increasing number of researches in schools have looked towards prosocial behavior, which refer to voluntary actions aimed at benefiting other individuals. The aim of this study was to describe evidence-based interventions, available in the national and international literature, focused in promoting prosocial behavior in children and adolescents at the school context. An integrative literature review was carried out with searches in ERIC, LILACS, PePSIC, PsycINFO, SciELO and Scopus databases, resulting in the inclusion of 21 articles. 19 studies reported positive effects in promoting prosocial behavior and on other assessed outcomes, as socioemotional skills, disruptive behavior, interpersonal relationships and academic achievement. Future studies should investigate the sustainability of the interventions in schools, compare efficacy and effectiveness between its different modalities and invest in their development in countries in the southern hemisphere.


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Psychology and Education


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