Factors Associated with Mental Health in the Brazilian Population during Covid-19

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Ana Lúcia Ivatiuk
Ícaro Moreira Costa
Cynthia de Freitas Melo


Research on factors associated with mental health during a pandemic can support effective intervention strategies. Meeting this demand, the objective was to investigate the variables associated with mental health (general health, anxiety, depression, and perceived stress) of Brazilians during the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. A national study was carried out, with a sample composed of 2,705 Brazilians, who answered six instruments, addressing sociodemographic and clinical data related to Covid-19, adherence to guidelines for pandemic control, information consumption, coping, general health, and perceived stress. The data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. The results show that agreement and adherence to social distancing, the experience of becoming ill, being part of or living with people from the risk group, less information consumption, and less coping are associated with mental health illness. We conclude that there is a need for continuous mental health intervention during the pandemic.


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